University Library
About the University Arts and Social Sciences Library
Our students are able to use the University of Bristol Arts and Social Sciences Library for private study while they are in Bristol.
The library is just 15 - 20 minutes from school on foot and is located on Tyndall Avenue, BS8 1TJ.
Tel: +44 (0) 117 9288000
There are several floors of books, plus many places to sit and read or work quietly. You can also request books from the archives.
On the ground floor, there are snack and drinks machines and an area for socialising and eating and drinking.
Many international and British students use the library daily.
How to use the Library
The library is FREE but you will need your student photo ID to sign in each day at the front desk. You need to ask for a Day Reader Pass. You need a new Pass each day you are there.
The pass will give you access to:
• The library's book and archive collection
• Desk space to work whilst reading the books
You cannot take books home or outside the library but have access to a very extensive collection of books while you are inside the library. You may also just like to use the desks as a quiet study space.
Before visiting, please check the library is open as it may be
closed on bank holidays, vacation days or during busy exam periods. You can check here.
You can use the library any day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Sunday, except when it is closed to Day Readers.
See here for a Poster/PDF