The Cambridge English LINGUASKILL Test in Bristol

ELC Bristol also offers the Cambridge English Linguaskill test. Students at any level can take the test during their time at ELC. The Linguaskill test has replaced what used to be the BULATS exam.

A user-friendly test

The Linguaskill Test is an online and user-friendly English test. It is already widely recognised and is often used by businesses and individuals who want a fast, reliable and cost-effective way of measuring English language skills. The computer-based test assesses communication skills that you need in real business situations and working life in general.

Learn more about the
Cambridge English Linguaskill Test

Test formats and task types

Linguaskill is a modular online test which assesses all four language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Read more.

The science behind the test

Cambridge Assessment's dedicated team of experts developed Linguaskill with significant testing. Speakers of over 40 languages from 50 countries trialled the test to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. Watch the video.

Presenting the results

Linguaskill presents results in a clear and easy-to-understand Test Report.
View a sample test report.

Practice materials for test-takers

Cambridge English offers a range of resources to help candidates who are preparing for a Linguaskill test. Read more.



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