Health and Safety Policy

ELC Bristol is part of the Clifton College Education group and we follow Clifton College's Health and Safety Policy.
For a full copy of this policy, please click here and then go to the Health and Safety Policy. (8).


Health and Safety Policy Statement



1. Information. Instruction and supervision
2. Risk assessment
3. Consultation with Employees
4. Equipment – keeping it safe
5. Safe Handling and Use of Substances
6. Supervision of food and beverage provision
7. Staff training and competency
8. Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
9. Disability considerations
10. Monitoring

Health and Safety Policy Statement

We aim:

  • To provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • To provide and maintain safe equipment
  • To ensure safe handling and use of hazardous substances
  • To provide information and instruction on Health and Safety
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and give them adequate training in Health and Safety
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and promote a pro-active attitude towards safety at work
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  • To implement emergency evacuation procedures in case of fire or other significant incident
  • To do our best to meet the needs of students, staff and visitors with disabilities.
  • To implement lockdown procedure in case of emergencies.
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary and on an annual basis
    • Responsibilities

      Responsible overall for Health and Safety:
      John Duncan (Director), Carl Atkins, Head of Health, Safety and Security at Clifton College

      Health and Safety Officers - Responsible, day to day, for ensuring that this policy is put into practice:
      Principal, Registrar, Academic Director, Director of Studies, a teacher (risk assessment manager), Social Programme Manager and the Residence Managers.

      Trained First Aid Officers:
      Georgette Newcombe, Andrew Varney, Kate
      Jackson, Mark Calland

      Local Doctor: Pembroke Road Surgery, 111 Pembroke Road, 0117 9733790 or
      Whiteladies Medical Group: Whiteladies Health Centre, Whatley Road. 0117 9731201

      Hospital: Bristol Royal Infirmary (Accident and Emergency)

      Eye Hospital: Lower Maudlin Street

      All employees have to:

    • Co-operate with their line managers and the Health and Safety Officers on health and safety matters

    • Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their Health and Safety

    • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety

    • Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person as detailed in this policy document


      1. Information, instruction and supervision

    • The health and safety law posters are displayed in 1 The Avenue in the staff room (kitchen area), in the summer centre (staff room).

    • The health and safety posters for safe manual handling and for safety for computer operators are................................. NB Staff who regularly use computers as part of their job are entitled to free eye tests paid for by the school.

    • The Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance is displayed on the school website in accordance with HSE40, and in the office ............ The original copy is filed in the ..... Office.

    • Health and safety advice is available from the Director and from the Health and Safety Officers.

      2. Risk Assessment

    • Risk assessments are carried out on all buildings and recorded for all events that might pose a possible risk for staff and/or students. These include evening activities, Saturday excursions, class outings and in-house activities.

    • Risk Assessments have been undertaken by one of our teachers and the findings of the risk assessments are reported to the Director.

    • Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by the Director and the Head of Health, Safety and Security and implemented by the Health and Safety Officer. The Director is responsible for checking that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks.

    • There are copies of the risk assessments on the S Drive.

    • For regular activities and excursions there is a master copy that is reviewed every 12 months.

    • For new activities/excursions a new risk assessment will be created by the teacher/activity leader who is organising the event and reviewed by the Health and Safety Officer/Social Organiser.

    • Blank copies of risk assessment forms can be found in the Teachers’ staff-room.

    • Copies of risk assessments will be taken on all out of school activities by the activity leader so that they are aware of the possible risks and preventative measures they can take. If the activity leader notices that there are additional risks not already recorded, then he/she should report this to the Health and Safety Officer / Social Organiser who will amend the risk assessment after consultation with the Director.

    • Staff/Student ratios are maintained in accordance with the Social Programme outline which can be found at S: Policies and procedures masters\Social Programme Outline.

    • Risk assessments are undertaken for all of the school’s properties which are used by our students by:

      Andrew Varney (Teacher)
      Residential properties – Self-Catering Manager
      Summer Centre – By the landlord & additional risk assessment by ELC
      Unite Young Adult Residence – By Unite Students & additional risk assessment by ELC

    • A risk assessment questionnaire is obtained from each homestay family. These are kept in the family file with the homestay manager. The questionnaire covers basic health and safety and fire information. The master questionnaire can be found at S:BC 2014 Stage 2 docs\23\23.2.2. Homestay providers are advised of their responsibility to have a fire risk assessment. These should be reviewed by the homestay family on an annual basis, and updated where appropriate.

      3. Consultation with employees

    • Consultation with employees and the provision of information is provided by the Health and Safety and takes place with the teachers during the weekly staff meetings on Fridays at 13.00 and with the administrative staff during the termly admin meetings or as and when required.

    • The Health and Safety officers and Director aim to meet every quarter, and in advance of the summer term and the minutes are recorded. The Health and Safety Officers advise the Fire Marshals if there have been any changes to procedures.

      4. Safe Equipment

    • The persons responsible for identifying all/any equipment needing maintenance are: the Principal, the Director, the Director of Studies, the Health and Safety Officers and the users of the equipment, such as the teachers or administrative staff.

    • The person responsible for ensuring that effective maintenance procedures are drawn up is the Registrar.

    • The persons responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented are the Health and Safety Officers.

    • Any problems found with equipment should be reported to your line manager or to a Health and Safety Officer.

    • The person responsible for checking that all new equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased is the Principal/Director.

    • Health and Safety Equipment is not to be taken off-site without the authorisation of the Health and Safety Officer or the Principal/Director.

    • PAT testing on all electrical devices is carried out as deemed necessary by the Health and Safety Committee and overseen by the Director

    • The Central Heating Systems and Boilers are serviced annually. Landlords are responsible for servicing Central Heating Systems and Boilers in student properties. A copy is obtained and kept on the property file.

    • Clifton College Works department is responsible for ensuring health and safety standards for all internal equipment at the Summer Centre.

      5. Safe Handling and use of substances

    • The persons responsible for identifying all substances which need COSHH assessment are the Health and Safety Officer and committee. (Control of substances hazardous to health)

    • The person responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments is the Finance/Business Manager.

    • The person responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the COSHH assessments are implemented is the Finance/Business Manager.

    • The persons responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments are the Health and Safety Officers.

    • The persons responsible for checking that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased are the Health and Safety Officers.

    • COSHH assessments will be reviewed every 12 months or when the work activity changes, whichever is the shortest.

    • Identified COSHH risks include:

      Sanitary waste. Sanitary waste is disposed of fortnightly by Simply Washrooms Ltd, a registered collector of waste. All agreements and certificates are filed in the Health and Safety folder.

      Aerosol waste. This is regularly disposed of by Simply Washrooms Ltd, a registered collector of waste.

      Cleaning materials. These are all kept locked away in room 002 in the basement at 1 The Avenue.

      Toner cartridges used in the photocopiers and printers are returned to the Print Room at the College for recycling when they are empty.

      Hazardous substances. All records are kept in the Health & Safety folder, and soft copies on the S Drive: Health & Safety folder.

      If appropriate matters are referred to RIDDOR.

      6. Food and Beverage – provision and supervision

    • No food is prepared on the premises so it is not necessary for the school to be registered with the Health and Safety Inspectorate.

    • The school cafeteria is in the basement......................

    • There is a hot drinks and a snack machine in the basement corridor . The drinks machine is stocked, serviced and maintained weekly by JW Vending Ltd. Certificates are provided and kept in the Health & Safety file.

    • All staff are allowed to bring in their own food for their personal consumption and keep it in the fridge in the staff room. Every week (Friday afternoon), the fridge is checked to ensure that perishable food is not left in the fridges over the weekend.

    • The Recreation Room has microwaves for student use. These are cleaned daily by our regular cleaners. There is a fire blanket in the Recreation Room and oven gloves for students to use if need be.

      NB: Be careful with the hot water dispenser in the staff room as it is very hot!


      All spillages should be reported to a member of staff and cleared up immediately.
      Tea/coffee spillages should be cleaned up using the paper towels provided. The area should then be cleaned using hand spray (Dettol) and a cloth. Dry the area with a paper towel. Toner/ink cartridge spillages should be cleared as best as possible using a dust pan and brush and the remainder removed using a vacuum cleaner. Dispose of the residue in a sealed plastic bag and wash hands thoroughly. Every member of staff has the responsibility to clear these types of spillages. For spillages of bodily fluids, please see the First Aid policy – a qualified first aider is responsible for dealing with these types of spillages.

      7. Staff training and competency

    • Health and Safety induction training is provided for all new employees by the Health and Safety Officer. New Employees are asked to sign a Health and Safety induction Form. The master copy is saved on the S:/Policies and Procedures Masters/STAFF HEALTH AND SAFETY INDUCTION FORM. This form is then kept with the employees records by the Finance/Business Manager or Vice Principal.

    • Job specific health and safety training will be provided by line managers.

    • Jobs requiring specific training are admin staff (use of computers/lifting heavy items/disposal of toner), social activity leaders (awareness of risk assessments and procedures).

      8. Accidents, first aid and work related ill health

    • First aid boxes and accident books are kept in the main school office and in the staff room at Worcester Road.

    • The appointed First Aiders are:

      Georgie Newcombe and Ginnie Mallinson.
      Camilla Griffiths and Sundar Muthuganesan (St John’s House)

    • First Aiders attend first aid refresher courses annually.

    • The appointed First Aiders are responsible for keeping the First Aid boxes stocked.

    • NB: First Aiders are not legally permitted to give any medication to students.

    • The closest pharmacy is Boots in Clifton Down Shopping Centre.

    • Local Doctor: Pembroke Road Surgery: 111 Pembroke Road, 0117 973 3790 or Whiteladies Medical Group: Whiteladies Health Centre, Whatley Road. 0117 973 1201.

    • Accidents and Emergency: Bristol Royal Infirmary, Upper Maudlin Street

    • Eye Hospital – Lower Maudlin Street

    • Tissues and disinfectant gel are provided in the staff rooms and in class rooms at times of the year when it is deemed advisable.

    • Emergency contacts for students are recorded on the school database and for staff are kept in the Health and Safety Files in all school buildings.

    • All accident and cases of work-related ill health are recorded online on the Clifton College Accident Reporting Form which can be found on the resource centre.

    • The person responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority is the Director/Principal.

    • See our First Aid Policy for more information.

    • 9. Disability

    • Bearing in mind the Disability Discrimination Act (1st October 2004), the school will do everything it reasonably can do to meet the requirements and needs of staff, students and visitors with any type of disability.

      10. Monitoring

    • To check our working conditions and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will carry out random health and safety inspections, have reports regarding health and safety submitted by staff when appropriate, investigate any accidents that occur when deemed necessary by the Director/Principal and the Finance/Business Manager and investigate any work related sickness that occurs.

    • The persons responsible for investigating accidents are the Registrar and the Director.

    • The persons responsible for investigating work-related causes of sickness absences are the ..........................

    • The persons responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent recurrence are the ...........................