First Aid Policy
It is the school’s policy to provide first aid support to someone if they are injured or become unwell in school, and to ensure that the school complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
It is our policy to have at least 1 trained first aider in each of the school buildings who will provide first aid support as and when necessary.
NB: First Aiders are not legally permitted to give any medication to students apart from one 300 mg tablet of aspirin in the event of a heart attack – unless the student is allergic to it.
Numbers of qualified First Aiders
Legally there is no set limit for the number of first aiders that are required but based on the nature and size of the school, the level of risk present in the school and the distance we are from medical facilities we aim to have at least one first aider present at all times in each school building allowing us to fulfil our First Aid policy.
First Aiders
Georgie Newcombe (Office), and Ginnie Mallinson (Students' Room), Pete Clark (Teachers' Room) Camilla Griffiths and Sundar Muthuganesan (St John's House Residence Managers).
First Aid assistance is also available at the Clifton College Sports Centre and Health Centre across the road from ELC.
Qualified First Aiders are able to recognise and manage any immediately life-threatening conditions. If the First Aider feels that further medical assistance is required, they will arrange for an ambulance to be called.
All first aiders have attended an approved Emergency First Aid at Work or St John’s Ambulance course in first aid and undertake yearly refresher courses.
This policy is reviewed on an annual basis or as when necessary, for example if a First Aider leaves the school.
First Aid Boxes: There are First Aid boxes just inside both entrances to the school. All qualified First Aiders are responsible for replenishing the First Aid boxes and ensuring that it contains all necessary equipment and that the equipment is in date. On the inside of the First Aid boxes is a recommended contents sheet. The boxes are checked at least once a term by one of the first- aiders prior to the health and safety meeting.
All new staff are provided with information at induction on how to obtain first aid assistance and who the qualified first aiders are. The form is on the S drive, Health and Safety, Staff Health and Safety Form. First aid notices naming the qualified first aiders are on display in all the classrooms, in the hallways and in the common room, as well as the school offices.
All first aid notices are regularly checked for accuracy and updated. Notices will need to be altered if a listed first aider leaves, moves location or does not renew their certificate. In these instances, a new first aider will be appointed.
All first aiders have to attend an assessed training course in Emergency First Aid at Work to be recognised as a first aider. We recommend that first aiders attend a refresher course every year.
Giving First Aid
If someone is injured, becomes unwell and needs help, the nearest first aider should be contacted, and asked to attend. The first aider will assess the situation, ask for consent to provide help, provide help, request assistance from other first aiders if necessary, and stay with the casualty until they are recovered or make arrangements for further medical assistance if they deem this necessary.
When giving first aid to under 18s which involves physical contact, the first aider should first explain what they need to do and then ask the child’s permission to go ahead before starting.
In the rare case that no first aiders are available, the casualty will be assisted in getting to the nearest hospital A&E department (Bristol Royal Infirmary).
Medical Support
When a first aider thinks that a casualty needs urgent medical treatment, the first aider will arrange for the casualty to be taken to the nearest hospital accident & emergency department – if the first aider thinks it necessary, an ambulance will be called. If the situation isn’t an emergency but the casualty does need to go to the hospital then we will call a taxi. Either the first aider will remain with the casualty and accompany them to the hospital or they will ask a friend or other appropriate member of staff to stay with them.
When appropriate or if asked to by the casualty, we will contact their next of kin. Emergency contacts for students are recorded on the school’s database and for staff are kept in the Health and Safety Files in all school buildings.
Spillages of body fluids
These must be dealt with by a qualified first aider. Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and excrement should be cleaned up promptly. The area should immediately be cleared and cordoned off and the first aider should use the spillage kit found in the first aid box to clean up.
The first aider should wear protective gloves and the waste be cleared into the bag provided in the spillage kit. Simply Washrooms should then be called and asked to collect the waste to dispose of it appropriately (Telephone - 07791 307173). The incident should be reported in the accident book. Spillage kits are also available on the coaches used for our excursions.
An accident report should be completed every time a first aider provides assistance to a casualty, including when the problem was illness rather than accident. As well as the usual details of the accident (if appropriate) the name of the person giving first aid and summary details of the treatment given should be recorded. The accident report is logged through Clifton College's online recording system. When necessary, the accident will be reported to RIDDOR.
Medical Care of Under 18s
In the event of illness or accident or the need for emergency dental treatment, U18s are accompanied to the local doctor’s surgery, hospital or dental hospital if it is deemed by the member of the Safeguarding team dealing with the case to be necessary and practical. If there is a Group Leader with the student, they accompany them, with a member of staff on call in case of translation difficulties. If an under 18 is ill and unable to attend school, a member of staff will visit them midway through the day to check on their condition if it is deemed that the seriousness of their condition makes it necessary. If an under 18 is sick at the weekend, they should ask their homestay family for help and then either go to the pharmacy, call 111 to speak to a trained medical practitioner or visit the Broadmead Medical Centre (full details are in their student handbooks). If it is an emergency they should go to the Accident and Emergency department of the BRI (Bristol Royal Infirmary) hospital and remember to inform the Principal on the school emergency number. They can also phone this number for assistance if they are not with or are able to contact their host family. ELC requires to be fully informed of any medical condition/disability of a prospective student in order to be able to provide appropriate care for the student. In the case of such information not being provided we may have to refuse acceptance of the student and request that the student is returned home at his/her own expense.
ELC staff and host families cannot be responsible for administering or safeguarding medicines. Students who are prescribed medication are asked to bring a letter from the doctor or prescriber with the name of the medicine, the dosage and frequency of taking it and the name of the condition for which it has been prescribed, clearly described in English. This is in case the student needs medical attention whilst in our care. In the event that a student is taking regular medication, the student must be responsible for the care and administration of her/his own medication. ELC requires written confirmation from the student or parent/ legal guardian to that effect prior to accepting the student.
ELC retains the right to make decisions regarding the appropriateness of students participating in certain activities if there is a medical condition and possible risks attached.