D) Training

D1) Responsibility

The ELC Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Deputy DSLs (DDSL) together take responsibility for ensuring for that all ELC staff have training to the appropriate level. At ELC the expected standard of training is:

DSLAdvanced Safeguarding Training
+ Safer Recruitment (as DSL is responsible for recruiting staff)
DDSLsAdvanced Safeguarding Training + the DDSL (Accommodation
Manager) has also been trained in safer recruitment as they are
responsible for recruiting homestay families
All teachersBasic Awareness Safeguarding Training – online followed by face to
face training delivered by the DSL
All admin staffBasic Awareness Safeguarding Training – online followed by face to
face training with DSL
All homestay providersBasic Awareness Safeguarding Training online + 1:1 with DDSL
(Accommodation Manager) during visit.
HandymanBasic Awareness Safeguarding Training (online and with DDSL)
VisitorsUnaccompanied visitors are given safeguarding leaflets which
they are expected to read before being allowed into the school

D2) Delivering Training

  • The Basic Awareness Safeguarding training is done with all staff online with the National College – Records for which are held by the Clifton College Learning and Development Partner
  • Face to face training with Clifton College's Director of Safeguarding – Records for which are held by the Clifton College Safeguarding Coordinator

Basic Awareness Safeguarding Training:

  • Knowing who and how to contact the DSL and DDSLs;
  • Awareness that all staff have a duty to report their own wrongdoing, or any wrongdoing or proposed wrongdoing of any other member of Staff or any conduct which they may suspect to be inappropriate and how to do this
  • Understanding the Safeguarding policy and revisiting it annually or when significantly amended;
  • Knowing the systems for reporting concerns
  • Being aware of ELC procedures in order to identify those students in need of Early Help and take appropriate action where there are concerns
  • Adhering to the Staff Code of Conduct;
  • Being aware of signs of abuse or neglect;
  • Prevent awareness

Advanced Safeguarding Training:

  • ELC’s Safeguarding team are all trained to Designated Safeguarding Lead standard which is Advanced Safeguarding Training. This is renewed every two years.
  • Additional online training delivered by the National College is undertaken for:
    • Child Protection/Safeguarding,
    • Online Safety,
    • The Prevent Duty,
    • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and;
    • Data Protection and GDPR.
  • Outside of the Safeguarding team, ELC also has a staff member who is responsible specifically for implementing risk assessments who undergoes specific Risk Assessment training with the Clifton College H&S Director.

Refresher Training for Homestays

ELC believes it is important that the DSL and DDSLs ensure that full refresher training for staff happens annually and for homestay providers every time they are visited by the Principal of the Homestay Officer (annually).

In addition there are:

  • Updates on policy, brief reminders, questions and feedback in staff meetings once every main term and at the start of the summer courses.
  • Formal refresher training sessions are arranged separately for admin and for teachers and the DSL ensures the safeguarding focus is different for different roles.

As part of the annual Safeguarding Audit, the Safeguarding Team review the training that has taken place in the year, making sure that it is current and up to date.


  • Visitors are given a leaflet on arrival, explaining that there are under 18’s in school and listing key expectations of the visitor's behaviour.

Other related training

ELC will make available the appropriate level and focus for staff training and responsiveness to specific safeguarding concerns and provide this as required.

Additional training:

  • First Aid training (3 staff)
  • Mental Wellbeing training (1 staff + support from the Clifton College Wellbeing Team)
  • Fire Marshall Training (5 staff)
  • Prevent Training for DSL rolled out to all