Safeguarding Policy (Condensed)


The number of ELC Bristol students under 18 is around 1-2% during the academic year and between 10% and 25% during the summer courses, the greatest demand being from mid June to mid August. The large majority of our students are adults and the average age is around 23. There is no maximum age.

ELC is committed to providing the safest possible environment for all our students and staff. Safeguarding Under 18s is everyone's responsibility. We all share a legal and moral Duty of Care to protect them from ‘that which is not in their best interests.’ Saying Nothing is not an option.

ELC’s recruitment practices for staff and homestays are designed to ensure that suitable people are used for working with Under 18s (see Safer Recruitment Policy for more details).

For ELC's Full Safeguarding Policy and other related documents, see here.

Risk assessments are a key tool in safeguarding all our students, especially those under 18. Please support us in preparing them and carrying out the safer procedures they identify.

ELC has an established Code of Conduct which aims to support and protect students, staff and homestay providers by setting boundaries, standards and giving clear guidelines in what is expected in order to create the friendly and professional environment we aspire to, both in general and with specific reference to under18s and vulnerable adults. Adults with responsibility are role models and should behave appropriately. Topics include:

  • Appropriate dress
  • What (not) to talk about, the language (not) to use
  • Interaction with under 18s – avoid being left alone in an enclosed space (leave door open)
  • Personal relationships, crushes, favouritism - the dangers
  • Need for special care on excursions and on other activities
  • Internet / technology – staff should avoid giving under 18s their personal telephone number – be careful with facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Transport – take care if giving lifts
  • The law
  • In homestays: respect privacy, need to knock, not to be alone in a bedroom or bathroom with an Under 18, being appropriately dressed etc

ELC is a multicultural and international community that actively promotes intercultural understanding. We endeavour to educate all our students about acceptance and tolerance of a range of views and beliefs provided that those views are reasonable. While it is unlikely at ELC, if you suspect someone is expressing views that might hurt or denigrate those with different beliefs, you must inform the Vice Principal immediately. It is particularly important if that person is attempting to radicalise other students. For more information, see ELC’s Prevent Policy.

Child protection

If you are worried that an Under 18 is, or may be, at risk of harm, you must contact a member of ELC’s Safeguarding Team which can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (see contact details below). If you have a concern about a member of staff, you must report this directly to the Clifton College Headmaster (Dr Tim Greene 0117 3157106)

The concern could be due to something you have seen yourself or something you have been told. Signs may include:

  • physical signs which are not easily explained
  • changes in behaviour, e.g. becoming withdrawn or becoming aggressive, or swinging between both overtly sexual behaviour/language
  • being afraid of a particular person
  • showing signs of low self-esteem

If an under 18 starts to tell you about abuse that is happening/has happened to them, it is very important that you:

  • ask open-ended questions (use:tell, explain and describe)
  • don’t promise confidentiality, as you must contact a member of the safeguarding team immediately
  • write a report using the student’s own words
  • do not talk about it to anyone outside the safeguarding team

ELC's Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

John Duncan (Director)
Mob: 07747021261
Trained to safeguarding level 3

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Mark Calland (Academic Director)
Mob: 07954148248
Trained to safeguarding level 3

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Andrew Edwards (Principal)
Mob: 07850188941
Trained to safeguarding level 3

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)

Georgie Newcombe (Homestay Manager)
Phone: 0117 9707060
Trained to safeguarding level 3
Responsible for all homestay placements