A) Policy Statement
A1) Background
During the academic year, only a small minority of our students are under 18. In the summer, there are significantly more students aged 16 and 17, especially from the middle of June until the middle of August. However, at all times of the year the large majority of our students are adults and the average age of students is around 23. There is no maximum age limit.
Students under 18 are integrated into classes with adult students and although we endeavour to keep younger students together in classes, this is not always possible and will always depend on the students’ level of English.
If ELC is arranging the accommodation for students under 18, they are always placed in suitable, DBS checked homestay accommodation, or in the Young Adult Summer Residence (June - August) unless suitable alternative arrangements have been made by the parents/guardian.
Social activities arranged by the school are all considered appropriate for students under 18.
A2) Terminology
It is essential that everybody involved at ELC has a clear understanding of the policies and procedures we have in place so that we can work effectively together to keep under 18s safe. To avoid any misunderstanding, here is a brief explanation of the terminology we use.
- Under 18s (U18s) – the British Council and ELC refer to students under 18 as under 18s rather than as ‘juniors’ or ‘children’.
- Safeguarding – this is the umbrella term which covers health and safety, child protection and pastoral care. It means the action we take to promote the welfare of under 18s and to protect them ‘from that which is not in their best interests’. Adults who work with students under 18 have a legal “duty of care” to look after them properly.
- Child Protection – this is a part of safeguarding and refers to the need to protect children from abuse either by an adult or by another under 18.
- Abuse – this can be emotional, sexual, physical or neglect. It is defined as inflicting harm or failing to prevent harm.
- DSL – Designated Safeguarding Lead – the person with overall responsibility for Safeguarding at ELC. This person has responsibility for ELC safeguarding policy, its successful implementation and for ensuring it is kept up to date with all changes.
- DDSL - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – At ELC these are the other 4 members of the Safeguarding Team whose role is to assist and stand in for the DSL whenever necessary.
- KBSP – Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership.
- LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer. Reporting concerns about staff and homestays who work with children that meet the harm threshold.
- First Response is the department in Bristol’s LSCB to contact with regard to child protection concerns with external parties or other ELC students.
- Safeguarding in Education Team – they are Bristol Council team whose job is to assist and support local educational providers with policies and procedures.
- Prevent – A government initiative to try and reduce the likelihood of people supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists.
- Vulnerable Adult – The definition of a vulnerable adult is a “person aged 18 years or over who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.” Although we are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable adults among our students, we rarely get students who fall into this ‘official’ category; however, at ELC we consider all of our students to be potentially vulnerable adults as they are all away from home and in a foreign country. We particularly look out for those who have learning difficulties, special needs or physical disabilities. Others may be vulnerable for a whole range of reasons particularly if they have a very low level of English, if they are lacking confidence, if they find it difficult to integrate and make friends or if they come from a troubled background at home Sometimes issues are flagged up by our Educational Consultants before the students arrive. However, often it is a teacher who identifies these issues once a student is here. The teacher reports this immediately to the Director of Studies who informs a member of the Safeguarding Team. The information is then disseminated to other staff members at Friday’s weekly teachers’ meeting and points are noted on the students ‘NB’ record on the database.
A3/A4/A5) Statement, Under 18s entitlement and Adult Responsibilities
Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at ELC Bristol – not only every student, every member of staff and accommodation provider but everyone else involved with the school from the school bus and taxi drivers, to the sandwich man and the property maintenance staff. We must all endeavour to protect all of our students ‘from that which is not in their best interests’
Students under 18 and vulnerable adults have a legal right to be kept safe and protected, whatever their race, gender or background. While we have a legal obligation to protect and care for under 18s and vulnerable adults, at ELC we understand we have a moral ‘duty of care’ to promote the welfare of all our students no matter what their age or background.
ELC has a proactive and fully trained Safeguarding Team with 5 members of staff all of whom have been trained to Safeguarding level 3. See A8. This number ensures there are always enough members of the team working in the school at any one time to ensure cover in our school buildings and whenever there are outside activities. There is also a member of the team who can be contacted by telephone 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
To ensure there is a strong safeguarding ethos throughout the school, the DSL ensures there is regular staff training taking all relevant and the most recent legislation into account. Staff (including homestays) will receive training at least annually with regular updates as required and the DSL and other members of the safeguarding team will have refresher training every 2 years. The training also includes FGM, PREVENT, HBV and child on child abuse, Whistleblowing and the increased vulnerability of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN-D).
Safeguarding covers health and safety, pastoral care and child protection and everyone involved with the school must be familiar with procedures as set out in the school’s safeguarding policy; they must be vigilant and aware of signs of abuse; they must know how to react and who they must report concerns and allegations to if they have heard, seen or been told something. They should be aware of who the members of the Safeguarding Team are and also who to contact at the KBSP. The Academic Director and the Director of Studies have overall responsibility for ensuring the suitability of academic materials and are assisted in this by the senior teachers.
A6) Associated Policies
- School Rules - Policy
- Disciplinary policy for students
- Complaints and Suggestions Procedures
- Equality Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
- Mental Health Policy
- Abusive behaviour, Bullying and Harassment Policy
- Prevent policy
- Safer Recruitment policy
- Code of Conduct
Full policy documents can be found on the school website.
A7) Policy Review
ELC’s Safeguarding policy has been drawn up by ELC's Director and the Vice Principal with the help of all the members of ELC’s safeguarding team. It has also been overseen and signed off by the Director of Safeguarding at Clifton College. Since ELC became part of the Clifton College Education Group, it has retained its own safeguarding policy. However, it is planned that ELC's policy will become fully aligned with the Clifton College Safeguarding policy by September 2023.
To date, the Policy has been officially reviewed every year by the DSL and ADSLs and regularly assessed as part of ELC’s annual safeguarding audit by the school’s independent safeguarding consultant. The safeguarding team meets on a termly basis during the academic year (in February, May and November and on a monthly basis during the summer courses, in June, July and August). Updates and changes are made following these meetings and the expertise and experience of staff is used to shape the policy.
A8) ELC's Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
John Duncan (Director)
Mob: 07747021261
Trained to safeguarding level 3
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Mark Calland (Academic Director)
Mob: 07954148248
Trained to safeguarding level 3
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Andrew Edwards (Principal)
Mob: 07850188941
Trained to safeguarding level 3
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Georgie Newcombe (Homestay Manager)
Phone: 01179707060
Trained to safeguarding level 3
Responsible for homestay placements
SC | Clifton College's Independent Safeguarding Consultant | Gill Sommers |
LADO | Local Authority Designated Officer | Nicola Laird |
FR | First Response | |
DOS | Director of Safeguarding at Clifton College | Rob Farrow |
- John Duncan – Director and DSL – Designated Safeguarding Lead for ELC.
- Mark Calland – Vice-Principal / Academic Director and DDSL.
- Andrew Edwards - Principal and DDSL.
- Georgie Newcombe – Homestay Manager and DDSL – responsible for all Homestay Accommodation
- Andrew Varney – Teacher and DSS – Deputy Safeguarding Staff - responsible for risk assessments
- Nicola Laird – LADO – the person to contact regarding staff concerns that meet the harms threshold.
- First Response – KBSP’s first point of contact with regard to child protection concerns with external parties or other ELC students
- Rob Farrow – Clifton College DSL and Director of Safeguarding - has lead responsibility for Safeguarding and Child protection (including online safety) within the college as a whole .
A9) Under 18s Involvement
We have class reps who welcome new students and get feedback and facilitate communication with all students (but particularly those students under 18s).
A10) Policy Review
ELC Bristol has a legal duty of care to all of our students.
In England the law states that people who work with children have to keep them safe. This safeguarding legislation is set out in The Children Act (1989) and (2004), and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. It also features in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (to which the UK is a signatory) which sets out the rights of children to be free from abuse. The Government also provides guidance in the document Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 While complying with the law, ELC Bristol follows Accreditation UK’s guidelines set out in Inspection criteria requirements and additional guidance 2018 – 2021 which reflect good practice and in certain circumstances goes beyond legal requirements.
See Additional Forms and Resources at the bottom of the under 18 section of the school website.
A11) Policy Availability and Formats
- ELC’s condensed and full safeguarding policies are available on the school website http://www.elcbristol.co.uk/school/students-under-18
- These policies are also in the staff manuals on the school website
- A hard copy is kept in the Director's office.
- A link to the condensed policy and the full version is also sent to prospective employees before calling them in for an interview.
- A link to the condensed Safeguarding Policy is sent to all Educational Tour Operators and parents/guardians of under 18s with their acceptance papers.